
Κ. Νάντια Σερεμετάκη

διεθνώς αναγνωρισμένη συγγραφέας




A Journey Through Border SPaces of the Everyday
University of California (Santa Cruz), Center for
Cultural Studies, Co-sponsor Department of Anthropology
April 5, 2023

Anthropology From the Borders of the Inside
2022  Inaugural Anthropology Lecture.
University KU LEUVEN, Belgium
September 27, 2022

Our Historical and Cultural Others
Greetings at the the International Spartan Studies Forum: Ancinet Sparta in the 21st Century.  University of Nottingham & Municipality of Sparta. Sparta, June 8-11, 2023

Body and Language:  the Cultural Heritage of Maniat Women
Open Lecture to the public. I
nvited by: Cultural Association of Maniats, Cultural Association of the Women of Mani, Cultural Association of Mantinia, Cultural Association of Verga.
June 20, 2022, Cultural Center of Kalamata, Peloponnese

Anthropological Data on the Formation of Maniat Language and Culture
Lecture.   University of Athens, School of Medicine /  Omoioi of Mani / Municipality of E. Mani, Laconia.
Oct. 2, 2021, Peloponnese.   Full program

Ethnographic Fieldwork/ Anthropological Writing–Then and Now
Lecture.  University of Macedonia, Dept. of  Balkan, Slavic, and Asian Studies & Culture-Borders-Gender Lab.
April 2, 2021 
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On Sensory Memory.
Open Lecture and seminar.
University of California (Santa Cruz), The Humanities Institute. January 28-29, 2021
Image 1  – Image 2 Image 3

Wounded Cities: Physical Disaster and a Public Ethnography of the Uninherited
Glasgow UniversityAnthropology Network Webminars, May 22, 2020

Death Drives in the City: Theatrocracy and Memory in Times of Austerity
New York UniversityPerformance Studies, Leading Scholars Lecture Series 2017,  Dec.5, 2017

Invited Discussant. 
 Two-part panel, Categories of Remembrance and Forgetting: Itineraries and Sanctuaries (part II).  Society for Cultural Anthropology, American Anthropological Association,  116th Annual Meetings, Nov. 29-Dec. 3, 2017, Washington DC.

Sensory Antidotes in the Era of Crisis
: The Symposium Taste and Memory. Invited presentation.  Panel: Categories of Remembrance and Forgetting: Itineraries and Sanctuaries (part II), Society for Cultural Anthropology, American Anthropological Association, 116th Annual Meetings, Nov. 29-Dec. 3, 2017, Washington DC.

Dialoguing with the Other:Performing Ethnography in Greece.
Open lecture, Honorary Professor 2015. 
Visual Anthropology Summer School (on “Visual Ethnography of the Urbanscape”).  Leiden University, The Netherlands Institute at Athens, and Ethnographic Film Festival (EthnoFest).
Athens: July 4-24, 2015.

Democratic Death: Transgressing the Cartographic Order of the City.
  Invited presentation.
Conference on “Democracy and the Polis”, Association Europeenne des Enseignants (AEDE), Brussels.  Athens: Panteion University,
April 24, 2015.

Archaeology of Feeling: Death and the Materiality of Memory.
Open lectureNetherlands Institute at Athens. March 30, 2015. NIA.pdf

Invited Discussant.
 Panel: The evidence of death: necrographic accounts on death perspectives. Annual Meetings, Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth (ASA), 2014: Anthropology and Enlightenment. Edinburgh, UK, June 19-22 , 2014.

The Silent Detournement: ‘Flexible Graves’ in the City of the Living
 Presentation. Panel: The evidence of death: necrographic accounts on death perspectives. Organizers: A.Panagiotopoulos & Diana Espirito Santo (Universitade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal). Annual Meetings, Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth (ASA), 2014: Anthropology and Enlightenment. Edinburgh, UK, June 19-22, 2014.

Everyday Life and Culture–Taste and Memory
. Opening Lectures. Athens, National Hellenic Research Foundation, 2013. See

Invited Discussant.
 Panel: Forging Intersubjectivities. Society for Medical Anthropology, American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings, Montreal, Canada,  Nov. 16, 2011.

Greek Pains: 
Subjectivity, Material Experience and Communication in Modernity. Invited presentation. ELEFTHERIOS VENIZELOS CHAIR CONFERENCE, Colonizing the Greek Mind? The Reception of Western Psychotherapeutics in Greece.   DEREE – The American College of Greece, Athens, May 17, 2011.


mprosoura2Eros and Thanatos in the Era of GluttonyEros and Thanatos in the Era of Gluttony.
Public lecture.
The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities. University of Edinburgh,
Nov. 12, 2010.

Book presentation-public event
The History of the Heart by Ole Martin Hoystad, (in Greek), under the auspices of the Norwegian Embassy and the Norwegian Institute in Greece. Onassis Cardiological Center, Athens, Nov. 10, 2010.   Press Release.pdf


"Cultural Memory in Diaspora"Cultural Memory in Diaspora. Lecture.
Organized by: The Program in Modern Greek Studies and The Department of Anthropology,
University of Illinois, Urbana – Champain, April 8, 2010.


Border Echoes. Invited presentation. 10th Annual Conference, Soundscapes of the Spirit: Cosmology and Sound Art from the Black to the Aral Seas. Organized by: Russian, East European and Eurasian Center (REEEC) and School of Music, University of Illinois και Department of Music, University of Minnesota. April 8 – 10, 2010.

Poetry, Sound and Body: The Dialogical Performance of Inner Mani – Yesterday and Today
. Public lecture.  (In Greek)
Highschool of Kardamyli, Southern Peloponnese, May 6, 2010.

Environment and History, Place and Memory.
Public lecture.
Lecture series on Culture and the Environment. (In Greek). Open University of Feres, Northern Greece, Feb. 8, 2009.


“Feeling, Materiality and the Environment”Feeling, Materiality and the Environment. Lecture.
Organized by the Department of Anthropology and the Department of Environmental Studies,
Adelphi University, New York, USA,
Dec. 7, 2009.


The Role of the Greek Diaspora in the Modern World. Public lecture. 
PanMacedonian Studies Center. (In Greek). New York, Dec. 11, 2009.

Invited Discussant.
Panel: Reimagining Bodies and Embodying Value in a Neoliberal Age. Organizers: George Paul Mieu & Fred Ketchum. Sponsor: Society for Cultural Anthropology,  American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings, Phila, Penna,
Dec. 5, 2009.

The Poetics of Dialogue: Mani’s Contribution to Contemporary Europe.
 Public lecture. (In Greek).
Lecture – series on European and Greek Civilization. In Greek.
Open University of Chania, Crete. Crete, May 20, 2009.

Invited Chair.
 Panel: Byzantine Eschatology. CSPS International Conference Honouring the Dead in the Peloponnese, Centre for Spartan and Peloponnesian Studies, Department of Archaeology, University of Nottingham, UK and  Hellenic Ministry of Culture. Sparta, 23 – 25 April 2009.

Invited Chair.
 Panel: Philosophy and Death. CSPS International Conference Honouring the Dead in the Peloponnese, Centre for Spartan and Peloponnesian Studies, Department of Archaeology, University of Nottingham, UK and Helelnic Ministry of Culture. Sparta, 23 – 25 April 2009.

Antiphony, Ritual and the Construction of Truth.

Invited presentation. CSPS International Conference Honouring
the Dead in the Peloponnese
, Centre for Spartan and Peloponnesian Studies, Department of Archaeology, University of Nottingham, UK and Hellenic Ministry of Culture. Sparta , 23 – 25 April 2009.

Maniat Laments: The Anthropological Approach. 
Public lecture.
(In Greek). Kardamili High School, Performance Studies section, in the context of a wider European Cultural Program on “The Laments of Μani”. In Greek. Kardamili, S. Peloponnese, April 10, 2009.

Book presentation – public event.
 Agnantia sto Venetiko by Socrates Kougeas. Panhellenic Association of Maniat Women. (In Greek). Kalamata, Public Τheater, Νοvember 30, 2008.

Female Discourse in Ancient and Modern Greece.
Invited speech.
ΧΙΙΙ International Meeting on Ancient Drama: The Woman in Ancient Drama. European Cultural Centre of Delphi – Hellenic Ministry of Culture. Delphi, July 6 – 15, 2007.

The Antiphony of the Senses.
Opening lecture.  Symposium / Seminar on Media Ethnography: Transcultural Research Practice, Centre for Transcultural Research and Media Practice, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, March 29 – 31, 2007.

Phoning Divination
: Evil Eye, Divination and the Networked Body. Invited presentation. International Meeting on Media Technologies, Sensory Experience, and the Making of Religious Subjects.
University of Amsterdam, March 30 – April 1, 2006.

Antiphony, Ritual and the Construction of Truth
. In Greek.
Invited presentation.  International Symposium Theatre and Ritual. Thebes: Sept. 10 – 11, 2005. Centre of Classical Drama – Panteion University and Municipality of Thebes.

Medicine, Aesthetics and the Body.
Invited lecture.
Benaki Museum, July 19, 2005. Philosophical Dialogues on
Culture in Greece Today series.  In Greek. Benaki Museum and
Centre for Cultural Studies, Athens, May – December 2005.

The Archaeology of Feeling: The Materiality of Memory.

Keynote speech. Embodied Histories: Bodies, Senses, Memories in Archaeology and AnthropologyDepartment of Archaeology, University of Southampton, UK, Jan. 24 – 25, 2003.

Book presentation – public event.
 Female Power in Messinian Mani  by Socrates Kougeas. (In Greek). Panhellenic Association of Maniat Women, Kalamata, October 24, 2004.

Eros and Thanatos
. Inaugurate Lecture.
Greek – Scandinavian Conference on Sexualities and Society under the auspices of  the Academy of Athens, University of Athens & University of Stockholm. Athens, October 4 – 6, 2001.

The Diros Battle in Greek Independence – Women’s History
Public speech. National commemoration of 1821 Independence and the role of  the women of Mani. Nomarchy of Laconia and Municipality of Oitylon (Mani). (In Greek).
Dyros, (S. Peloponnese), June 2000.

The Poesis of Dialogue: Contributions of Mani to European Culture. 
 Public lecture.  National Tourist Organization & Nomarchy of Laconia and The Melina Merkouri Foundation. Day of Culture in Europe 2000: Freedom of Expression and Dialogue. (In Greek). Gythion (S. Peloponnese), Μay 5 – 6, 2000.

Olive Tree: A Historical and Cultural Harvest
Invited presentation.  Conference, Olive Tree and the Oil: From Antiquity to the Present. (In Greek). October 1 – 2, 1999. The Academy of Athens / Center for Research of Greek Folklore, Musee de l’Olivier / Nyons – France, Instituto de Estudios Sociales Avanzados / Barcelone – Spain, and Greek Museum of Olive Tree /Crete- Greece.

Book presentation – public event.
Skies sto Peristilio by George  Papachristou. (In Greek). Nomarchy of Messinia, Kalamata,
April 24, 1998

The Epoch of the Ladies in Greece.
Opening speech.
ymposium, public – multimedia – event In Search of a protoFeminist: Μaria Bassakari of Kalamata. (In Greek). February 28, 1999. Research, script of accompanying video, organization: C. Nadia Seremetakis. In the context of a three-year program on cultural development, “Excavating Time”, Director: C. Nadia Seremetakis, Department of Cultural Studies. Organization for Cultural Development / Municipality of Kalamata and Hellenic Ministry of Culture.

Culture, Paedeia and Development in Messinia. Invited speech. Colloquium, Messinia in Greek and Global Economy. (In Greek). Nomarchy of Messinia and PanMessinian Federation of USA & Canada. Kalamata, 1997.

European Politics and March 23d, Day of Independence. (In Greek). Opening speech. Public conference on the relation between Greek Revolution and European Politics. Kalamata, March, 1998. In the context of a three-year program on cultural development “Excavating Time”, Director: C. Nadia Seremetakis, Department of Cultural Studies. Organization for Cultural Development / Municipality of Kalamata and Hellenic Ministry of Culture.

Philosophical Journeys in Space and Time. Opening speech. Multimedia conference – public event, Kalamata, Feb. 17 – 19, 1997. (In Greek). In the context of a three-year program on cultural development Excavating Time, Director: C. Nadia Seremetakis, Department of Cultural Studies. Organization for Cultural Development / Municipality of Kalamata, Nomarchy of Messinia and Hellenic Ministry of Culture.

History and Material Culture in Messinia (S. Peloponnese).
Opening speech.  Multimedia conference – public event on the history and material culture in Messinia, Κalamata, March 14 – 26, 1997. (In Greek). In the context of a three-year program on cultural development “Excavating Time”, Director: C. Nadia Seremetakis, Department of Cultural Studies. Organization for Cultural Development / Municipality of Kalamata and Hellenic Ministry of Culture.

Antiphony. Poem. Opening Greeting. (In Greek). Α’ Public Conference – Μani Through the Centuries”, Municipality of Areopoli (Laconia) & University of Αthens (Dept. of Physical Anthropology). Areopoli, 1997.

Fieldwork as Performance. Invited presentation. (In Greek). International Congress, Dromena: Modern Means and Techniques of Recording Them. Center of Dromena, National Cultural Network of Cities, Municipality of Komotini (Nothern Greece), Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Oct. 1996.

Earthquake: Popular Memory and the Poetics of Fragments. (In Greek). Public speech.  Multimedia conference – public event “The City Remembers: Kalamata Ten Years After the Earthquake”. Kalamata (S. Peloponnese), 1996. The Department of Cultural Studies, Director: C. Nadia Seremetakis. Organization for Cultural Development, Municipality of Kalamata.

Visible Risk: HIV/AIDS and the Cultural Construction of the Body
. (In Greek). Invited speech. Educational Seminar on AIDS PreventionNational School of Public Health, Athens, 1996.

Archaeology of Feeling: The Materiality of Memory.

Keynote lecture.  Workshop, Embodied Histories: Bodies, Senses, Memories in Archaeology and AnthropologyDept. of Archaeology,  University of Southampton, U.K., 24 – 25 January, 2003.

The Senses and Media as Material Culture – Fieldwork Approaches.
Invited lecture. International Le Boff Visiting Faculty Member 2002, Dept. of Culture and Communication, New York University, November 21, 2002.

Invited Discussant
. Panel: Politicizing Experience: Critical Reflections on Subjectivity and Locality”. American Ethnological Society and Society for Medical Anthropology, American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings, Washington DC, 1995.

Women and the Pathogenic on the Border.
 Invited presentation. International conference Gendered Violence: Physical Aggression, Social Domination, Bodily Processes and Cultural Reconstruction. The Institute for Applied Social Research, University of Zagreb and Center for Slavic and East European Studies, University of California, Berkeley. Zagreb, 1995. Sponsored by the International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX).

AIDS & Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Prevention in Border Areas – the case of Greece.
Summary Report, World Health Organization (W.H.O). Presentation.  Workshop on HIV/AIDS/STD Prevention in Border Areas – Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Russia, Italy. Participated as: Official Representative, Ministry of Health. International Meeting on AIDS Prevention, World Health Organization, Athens, October 1994.

Greek Albanian Border – Conflict and Cultures.
nvited panel, Receptions of Violence: Reactive After-Texts, After-Images and the Post – Ethnographic Site, co-organizer C. Nadia Seremetakis. Ethnological Society and Society for Humanistic Anthropology, American Anthropological Association, Annual Meetings, Atlanta, 1994.

The Senses in Other Modernities.
 Presentation. Panel, The Anthropology of the Senses and European Modernity, organizer and chair: C. Nadia Seremetakis, Society for the Anthropology of Europe, American Anthropological Association, Annual Meetings, Chicago, 1991.

Feminism and Women’s Identities – case study Greece
Invited speaker and chair, Fourth International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women. New York, Hunter College, 1990.

Religious and Medical Colonization of Death in Southern Greece.
Presentation. Invited panel Theorizing Europe: Anthropological ModernitiesSociety for Cultural Anthropology, American Anthropological Association, Annual Meetings, Washington DC, 1989.

Opening speech. 
nvited multimedia conference Greek and Greek – American Women in Voice and TextThe Onassis Center for Hellenic Studies at New York University. Conference chair and organizer: C. Nadia Seremetakis. April 1989.

Women, Divination and the Cultural Construction of Death in the S. Peloponnese. 
 Invited speaker and chair.  Panel “Women in the Creation and Transmission of Culture”.  Third International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women, University of Dublin, Ireland, 1987.

Introduction to Modern Greek Ideology and Folklore” (Welcoming Remarks to Alki Kyriakidou – Nestoros)
. Invited speech. Annual C. Paparrigopoulos Lecture, Center for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, Queens College, New York.

Cross – Cultural Problems in a Literacy – ESL Curriculum
. Invited lectureDepartment of Linguistics, Queens College, City University of New York, May 10, 1983. | 2024 © All rights reserved